Tuesday, November 17, 2015

For my Reference - Lots of Links!

eLearning Classic Texts & Reference Handbooks

If you aren't sure about what you are doing, check in this nerdy textbook (books have indices):

Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2011).  E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning . John Wiley & Sons.

Kuhlmann, T. (2015).

Before You Begin...

at DevLearn!

Top 5 eLearning Acronyms (yeah, I know there are more but why start with Cognitive Overload (see below)?) 

10 eLearning Course Development Mistakes 

For the critical thinker: eLearning: Are we missing the point?

Best Practices

Storyline Best Practices

Learning Objectives and Best Practices

Tips to Give and Receive Feedback

When is Audio Narration Helpful?

Be Wary: Cognitive Overload 

What is Cognitive Overload?

Limiting or doing away with cognitive overload in your eLearning

Planning eLearning

Basic plan overview - this is a general article, but it has some good tips

Storyboards - lots of options

What is Storyboarding - We had a BrownBag Lunch about this?

There is a Lynda module about Storyboarding (ask Lisa IC for access) called Introduction to Storyboards

Storyboarding is a Total Waste of Time (Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion...)

Storyboard Templates - eLearning Heroes resource

Forum Discussion about Storyboards - eLearning Heroes resource

Agile and eLearning

Short definition here
Formalized versions of Agile for ID - works for eLearning and ILT
SAM - Successive ADDIE Model (ADDIE on speed) by Allen Interactions
LLAMA - Lot Like Agile Method Approach by Megan Torrance

Graphic Design and Images for eLearning

eLearning Graphics - Seven Best Practices for Choosing Graphics (suggestion from the eLearning Industry Blog)

eLearning Images - Six things to think about before you select an image (e.g. photograph) for eLearning courses

Building your Own Graphics - Do I have to? Sometimes you do...

10 Tips to Improve your Visual Design

Elegant UI and Web Design Handbook

The Persona Problem - Everyone talks about it, but what are the critical concerns - cognitive economy and other generalizations..




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